

Elevate Aviation Care with STEK's Protective Innovations

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G'day everyone!

In this article I would like to explain a little about a market that we understand is still little explored by our certified professionals: The aviation care market, be it planes, helicopters and drones.

Aircraft are constantly subject to impacts and are often in extreme conditions. These parts need to be regularly checked and maintained and there is an opportunity. Several parts of the aircraft can be protected, such as the Wing Roots, Underbelly, Wing Flaps, Canoe's, Wing Tips, Dorsal Kits and with protective film those part can be more durable and reduce the need of maintenance or even panel replacement as many of those are composed by panel parts.

It is important to point out that it is necessary to have an excellent experience on PPF installation, to have knowledge of where it is and where it is not authorized to install https://cacasinosonline.ca/new-online-casinos/ films so as not to interfere in the electronics of each type of aircraft, as well as having full knowledge of aviation regulations local.

And where do we find opportunities? If you think about it, you will realize that STEK products can be used in 3 ways: Exterior, Interior and Windows:

Interior: Here there are 2 possibilities, the use of PSF with a special pattern like DYNOforged-Wine, a 6D pattern perfect for a premium touch. There are also products from the STEKcare line such as our X-glare, Covax, Clarivale and Tactigard, films that have anti-microbial properties, perfect to protect people and the interior of planes.

Windows: One of the most fantastic things when traveling on a plane is the possibility of seeing our planet in another perspective, who has never been admiring the landscape from the window, but when doing so we are exposed to UV rays depending on the position of the sun. On commercial planes, it is possible people will end up touching the glass and bacterias, so bacterias and virus transmission can happen within passengers between flights. STEK has a perfect line to give passengers peace of mind, our line of clear window films from STEKwide has UV protection and anti-virus properties.

Exterior: As mentioned earlier in this article, many parts of the exterior can be protected saving on paint maintenance due to weather corrosion and debris impacts on the bodywork. For this, STEK has 2 great products: DYNOshield with its famous infusive top coating, providing excellent shine, flexibility, hydrophobicity and self-curing. For extra protection, DYNOmight is the product to beat, at 10 mils thick this product has a high impact resistance without losing the hydrophobic and self-healing characteristic, trademark of STEK products.

Expand your business with STEK products and reach other markets!
contact us here.